Prejudice is an emotion that won't stop the earth from spinning, but hate can and prejudice is just a gateway to hate. The world isn't perfect, we all know this, but we can change so much about how we treat each other especially our own community. I know when i came out of the closet, i lost not only my friends but my family. the Gay community was and is my family and support system next to the couple of people I rely on as close personal support. I can only imagine the people who solely rely on the gay community for guidance and support.
We all leave a life full of hate and prejudice, whether it is family or some of the public, but isn't ironic that as a community we are willing to be just as hateful toward certain people in the community, such as flaming gays or drag queens? We look at most of them like they are our gay comedians. In fact one gay once said," man i wish they would just not be crazy open about it. " My friends, there is something very wrong with that statement. The more we look each other with the same hate we were thrown, the less mature we all will grow. If we can learn to accept each other for what we can give each other, we can accept everything about ourselves...
Ok, enough of that rant, so I got the chance to go to my old roomies bday party and it was a blast. I haven't had that much fun in forever. So fun! I am also looking forward to a photo shoot in july where i will play a young character from the cast of "Gilligan's Island." Also My good friend Mark is producing a 24 hour film I plan on working with him on.
Well after my rant, Im Tired. But I would like to announce my new short story i have begun called "Millionaire Man."
Well said my friend...