(GDP Photography)
So What can i say for the last few days? Well a lot. I found a Job, thats the good news. Its a small ice creamery located near me which is good news. No Luck on finding a home yet but i am soon to find one.
I almost moved in with my friend from a previous film, but unfortunately it didn't pan out and it is very frustrating. I don't know what to do about a place and i feel when i asked for help from my friends, they reached out but i wasn't able to accept their kindness. Thank you you two.
So the search continues...
(Jordan Watkins Pictured. On the Set of "Bloodlust" Directed By Gabriel Matreya)
I am starting to stress about my upcoming audition May 16th. I don't really know right at this moment except for i know that this one is paid and I again have a call back. I read through my lines once again hoping to form my character(Method style lol) and I seem to fall short. I know with the right practice and a kick in the pants, this won't be a problem.
I will keep you updated.
I want to talk about long distance relationships right now. A friend is a wonderful thing to have long distance. In fact, one of my closest best friend who I have know for over 8 years started out as a pen pal, and now, i don't go a day without thinking of him. But i digress. I have had a couple of people i have been interested in come from out of state. My needs aren't met even as friends so it makes me want to walk away from them altogether. But when we talk, its like nothing has changed and we are friends again. Am I just a needy sob looking for attention in the wrong places? Probably, I'm an actor always looking for attention.
Therapy has gotten a lot better. I feel that i am really learning a great deal from the man and that makes me warm inside. I wanted to question everything he does, but now i know that there is no reason to. Like Dancing with The Stars Judge say:"Put Up and Shut Up."
So as Summer comes and the two to three projects opening up in the summer, I can only smell the pleasant summer smells of what is to come...
Naturally you are needy because "actors are children playing hide and ego seek" - LOL! Try and figure out what musical and song that line is from my friend.
ReplyDeleteYou are definitely a survivor and you are poised to make all your dreams come true.
Just stay positive, send that positive energy into the universe and you will have it returned.
Break a leg in the upcoming audition - you are going to knock their socks off without question.
You rock my friend!